Let's Build A Powerful Personal Brand Called YOU

I help professionals and experts build their personal brands using digital tools and technologies, so that they can be seen, heard and paid what they deserve.

Join our newsletter below to get weekly insights into how you can build your personal brand with ease.

Your Business Deserves Better

We help you get everything together, so that you can define exactly who your audience are, how to serve them with the right content and how to get them to pay what you are worth.

  • We help you figure out who your exact audience, so that you are entirely clear on who you serve with your products and services.
  • We help you define the best products that would be fitting for your chosen market, so you are 99% sure that the market is ready for that product or service.
  • Ultimately show you how to position yourself, so that the right people can find you and pay you for the products and services that you offer. 



Let Emily bring your event to life with her energy. You can invite Emily to come speak at your event.


You can get clear cut coaching from Emily on how to build your personal brand & profit from it


Let's get your brand all of your brand identity figured out, so you can have a clear message.


Discover The 7 steps To monetizing Your Genius/Passion and Turning It Into a Lucrative Digital Product.

Latest From The Blog

A 5-Step Guide to Monetizing Your Personal Brand on Social Media

In the age of digital connectivity, building a strong personal brand on social media is a valuable asset.


10 Social Media Tools for Enhanced Productivity and Business Success

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective social media management is crucial for businesses aiming to stay competitive and


5 Steps to Successfully Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional networking, LinkedIn stands out as a powerhouse platform for career growth and


Hi Gorgeous!

I'm Emily Wale-Koya .

I'm a living, breathing, talking and walking Genius at this social branding and monetization thing. Some say I'm Nigeria's Personal Branding Pioneer, something I actually love the sound of :)

Anyway, I love helping women go from unknown and underpaid to wealthy and well-known brand doing what they love (without it taking over their lives).